It is refreshing to see someone take some time out and give a thumbs up to some people and how they play. I distinctly remember meeting this one person in pre-searing way back when the game was about a month or two old. At that point most everyone was a noob and I just happened to luck into someone that had been playing the game really hard and was just trying to bring a secondary character along in the storyline. She taught me all sorts of skills and things about builds and even gave me some pretty good purple and gold weapons for nothing in return. I remember those weapons got my tank well through the Jungle before I finally found a better one. That kind of generousity is what got me hooked on the game in the first place.
What kept me here was joining up with a guild of selfless people like that. All the officers and the guild leader never had a qualm about jumping in and helping out with a mission, even if it's one they already done a 100 times. They quickly made me a better player always answering questions about this and that, sometimes even if they were busy. I had 3 different officers give me green weapons and expected nothing in return. I would always offer to pay something back, but they would have none of it. Their generosity rubbed off on me, when I beat NF I gave my end of game green to a guildie that I had joined the guild with and had never beaten any of the games and didn't have a green weapon. It sure felt good to have let something nice like that go, sometimes you just gotta figure, I've got enough it's time to spread the wealth. To top it all off my guild sent me a RL gift, I was truly touched by that kinda genorosity, and it keeps me stuck to the game like glue.